Today we took some 3 month pictures of Shelby. She posed very nicely and is quite the pretty little girl (if I do say so myself). Camden did well posing with her but we didn't get any good ones of him on his own today. In some ways, it is hard to believe she is already 3 months old. In other ways, it seems like she's always been a part of the family. What a sweet little muffin she is.
The weather has been nice this weekend so Matt finally mowed the lawn. We were company free this weekend since Matt's parents postponed their visit until next weekend. We've enjoyed some time together, just the 4 of us. April has been a very busy month with Camden's birthday, Tara going back to work, a long visit with Grandma Cochran, and potty training. If Shelby would just sleep longer stretches at night, we'd all feel a bit less tired!