Last weekend we headed to Grandview to celebrate Camden's birthday. On the way, we stopped at the Darigold Cheese Factory in Sunnyside and enjoyed some ice cream. Some of us enjoyed the ice cream more than others...

Here's Camden "race track cake". He picked it out from a book of cakes and still calls the cars on it is "race track cake cars". He kept telling me he wanted a ramp on it so I added one on. When he saw it he said "no no no...not there..." *sigh* Then, he wouldn't EAT the cake with everyone else. After the party he decided he'd have a piece, but only from the green part.'s his cake, after all.

He picked out party hats. You can tell he really loved wearing his. Shelby's hat transformed her into a very serious little girl.

The kids played a game called Elefun. Maggie had different ideas for what to do with the butterfly nets.

Here's the evidence that he actually ate a piece of his own cake.

On Sunday, Shelby wore the Easter dress Grandma Cochran sewed for her. Super cute.

Aren't Grandpa Cochran's daffodils beautiful?

On Camden's actual birthday, we visited the zoo and took along my good, good friend Amy. We had SO MUCH FUN!!!

Today, Matt took the kids to play at the Supermall. They had a great time and he even got some video of Shelby walking. We have another walking video, but I need Matt's help to figure out where it is... anyway, for now you can see her high step her way and then scooch through a tunnel.