Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Trip over the Mountains

We took a trip over Snoqualmie pass this weekend to have a birthday party for Camden at Grandma and Grandpa Cochran's house with family. It was a very fun party with balloons and streamers and dump trucks and dirt cake and cup cakes and drums.

On the way home we started hearing the reports that there was a snow slide across the road several miles ahead and to expect multi-hour delays. By this point it was too late to take an alternate route so as traffic began to slow to a crawl we feared that little Shelby would wake up and be hungry at a point where we couldn't pull over to feed her. Tara said a quick Prayer asking God to help Shelby stay asleep until we could feed her. She slept the entire way home (about 4 hours) The delays ended up only putting us behind 'schedule' by an hour. What a blessing!!

Camden was the perfect little traveler as well. He didn't sleep the whole way but he quietly played in the back seat and didn't make a fuss at all even though we didn't stop at all to stretch our legs (for fear of waking Shelby, who can make her displeasure widely known)

The Dirt Cake

Birthday Boy

The Dump Truck

The birthday boy and mom

A fun time was had by all!

1 comment:

Our Four Kids said...

Happy Birthday Camden!!!!!!
~Erica, Kyle, Caroline, Trevor