Here's a brief recap of the week so far. Shelby has contemplated the geometry of this ball and decided it is, indeed, round.

Here she is, exhausted from her math lesson. She's slowly breaking out of swaddling. It will be nice when she completely transitions.

Here is the "knock yourself silly" on the pillow tower. Thanks to cousin Maggie, this is Camden's new favorite and completely safe game.

Matt made it home in time for bedtime stories last night. It is just so sweet to see them all together enjoying story time.

Today our handy man friend Robbie and his brother began the process of painting our house. They pressure washed and cleaned the outside while Camden and I enjoyed watching from the dry safety of the yard. Shelby slept through the whole thing. In this picture you may be able to see the weathered areas on the top floor.

Camden took one look at this ladder and said, "go on up?" I said, "um, no". If the weather stays nice the new paint will go on next week...if we can pick colors, that is.
That will probably not be the last new game that Maggie teaches Camden. I just hope that she doesn't convince him to jump off of the top of a slide. Those days will soon be here...
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