Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Playing Tag

Tagged! By Maggie
Shelby and Camden were tagged by Maggie and I (Tara) sure hope I'm doing this right...

Name/Meaning: Shelby - her first name was just one we picked that we thought would not be very common. Her middle name sounded good with it...then we found out later that it is a family name on my mother's side. So, it wasn't purposeful but we'll take credit for it.

Age: 10 months

Nicknames: Shellbue (Matt's nickname for her), Shelby Roo, sweet girl, muffin, poops (my nicknames for her)

Activities: sitting and scooting around on her bum, saying "uh oh", taking toys out of bins, clapping

Favorite Foods: cheerios, pasta, yogurt

Favorite Music: The Wiggles

Favorite toys: her bear

What Makes Her Happy: her brother!

What Makes Her Sad: when everyone leaves her alone in a room

Name/Meaning: Camden - Camden is from when we vacationed in England and visited Chipping Camden. We just thought it would be a nice, unique name.

Age: 3-1/2

Nicknames: Camden Roo, sweetie, pumpkin

Activities: running, playing with Shelby, pretending, singing and dancing

Favorite Foods: yogurt raisins, fruit snacks, lollipops

Favorite Music: Laurie Berkner, the Wiggles

Favorite toys: train, cars,

What Makes Him Happy: Baby Oliver (formerly Buddy), putting on a show for his family, going swimming, making Shelby laugh

What Makes Him Sad: being put in time out, going to bed, being left with a babysitter

Shelby and Camden tag Trevor!!

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