Friday, December 12, 2008

Big House

Today we took a trip up to Seattle to the Seattle Sheraton's gingerbread house display. I've never been before and didn't know what to expect, but I certainly hoped it would be the coolest thing ever! It was neat but not really worth the effort involved in getting there, finding parking, maneuvering the streets with a stroller, etc. However, we met Camden's friend Grant and it was fun to see it with them. Here are some pictures. These are done by architectural firms and the theme was superheroes.

Afterwards we all headed back to our house (after missing the freeway onramp and getting a little lost in Seattle - Grandma Cochran knows how that feels!). Grant and Camden had a lot of fun playing together and we all worked on a gingerbread house of our own. It was demolished and devoured shortly after this picture.

1 comment:

Arin & Mark said...

Nothing says "Christmas" like Super Mario!! Looks like you had fun, though!!