On July 5, we visited the Museum of the Rockies in Bozeman, MT. Here we are with Grandpa Cochran posing by a TRex skeleton replica.

It was full of fun things to see - they had a treasure hunting exhibit where the kids could search for treasure using a metal detector.

Camden had fun in his "new house" - a puppet theater.

They also had some artifacts specific to the region - some old covered wagons and cars, a replica of an old homestead building (something my great grandparents built to occupy in Gillette, WY), and this water pump that Camden enjoyed.

Then, of course, there were the dinosaurs. Here's what the website says about the museum: "The Museum of the Rockies in Bozeman is home to a world famous collection of dinosaur fossils and paleontology program. Dinosaur fossils are found in Montana rocks from the Jurassic and Cretaceous periods. Dinosaur dig crew led by paleontologist and curator Jack Horner, science advisor to the Jurassic Park films, excavate fossils which are prepared and studied at the Museum in Bozeman. Some of the most famous dinosaurs in the world such as Tyrannosaurus rex, Triceratops, and Deinonychus (very similar to Velociraptor) can be seen on display."
Shelby wasn't too impressed and by the time we got to the dinosaur exhibit, she was hungry and ready to go....but as all good parents do, we forced her to stay while she whimpered and clumsily tripped over he own feet through the exhibit.

This picture says it all - I asked Camden what he thought about the dinosaur exhibit and he said "those bones are TOO BIG!" What really impressed him was when he realized that a T Rex is bigger than an elephant.

Here's a real T Rex skeleton that was discovered in a river bed.

And here's Grandma Cochran helping show Camden some Triceratops bones.