Shelby enjoyed talking to the animals in the display cases at the Mammoth visitor's center.
At some point early in the trip, the lenses fell out of Camden's sunglasses. He still enjoyed wearing them saying, "look! I'm Batman!"
We briefly visited Norris Geyser Basin. Here Camden saw his first geyser erupt - Steamboat Geyser.
Then we headed to Old Faithful. We met up with Uncle Neil and watched Old Faithful erupt after enjoying some ice cream from the lodge.
We visited Yellowstone Falls and I gripped Camden's hand tightly as we peered over the edge of Yellowstone Canyon. The dropoff there is a doozy and made me nervous!! But, it is so beautiful.

Shelby enjoyed most of Yellowstone in the backpack. She seemed to like it and we just had to make sure we watched for her shoe to fall off, which it inevitably did, every time
One of the most fun parts of touring Yellowstone is watching for wildlife. Grandma and Grandpa got to see a Grizzly bear up close - we got to see some Black bears as well as buffalo and bighorn sheet...
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