Monday, June 21, 2010

Dirty Laundry

School is out for the summer.  We found some cheap fun this morning.  Laundry basket + jump rope =…..



Last week we had some fun at Dash Point Park with some other Decatur teachers and their kids.  All the kids had a very good time and Camden discovered two jelly fish, one teeter totter made out of a fallen tree (scary), a pointy stick to drag around, and various shells and a sand dollar.  Shelby discovered how to dump rocks and sand in the water over and over again. 





On Saturday, Matt took Camden to the helicopter air show at the Museum of Flight.  Camden’s favorite helicopter was the Chinook.  He says, “we go to the museum and we found a Chinook!  Chinook…Chinook….Chinook….daddy, I LOVE your pictures from the Museum of Flight”.  On Sunday, Matt got to open his very special Father’s Day gift – a car window cleaner.




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