Sunday, April 26, 2009

Bicycle, Bicycle, You are My Bicycle

We've had some very nice days this past week so the kids have enjoyed some time at the park. Camden posed on his favorite slide at the South County Ballfields and Shelby wanted to be everywhere her brother was...she can almost get her leg up high enough to climb to the slide herself!

Here's a game of Peekaboo at Jornada Park.

Camden enjoyed some salsa with his chicken this week...can you tell he poured it out himself?
We finally got some hair bands to get Shelby's bangs out of her face. Pretty cute...and she actually leaves her little ponytail alone. She got lots of compliments today at church (it didn't hurt that she waved and smiled at every man who passed by).

But, the big thing this weekend was Camden's new bicycle. We finally got out and bought one for him - he picked it out all by himself and was so excited to ride it that we had to stop at a park on the way home (hence the plastic sticking out of the front of his helmet that we couldn't take off without scissors). With all the practice he's had riding his tricycle the last few years, he had no trouble at all maneuvering his new bike. I also gave Shelby a ride down the slide, which she loves.

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