Wednesday, July 16, 2008

I'm So Tired

Shelby had her 6 month doctor appointment this morning. She's doing very well - weighs 15 lb. 11.4 oz (which means that since she's more than doubled her birthweight that she should be sleeping through the night now....right??...could someone PLEASE tell her...). Lengthwise, she is 26 inches and that means she has maxed out her carseat. So, it is time to switch her over to the next size up. It's a good thing we have a few up in storage. Since she had some immunizations, she's having a nice, long rest today. I think it's funny how the binky is in backwards.

She is growing and changing so fast. Hopefully sometime this week I can get a video posted of some of her first attempts at eating rice cereal.

1 comment:

Amy said...

I hate to tell you my friend - Cooper has slept through the night for the first time these past two nights. At 19 1/2 months old!! Not that I want to disappoint you or anything. LOL
