One of the highlights of the week for Camden has been the construction project occurring in the neighboring lot. They are adding dirt to make the ground more level so Camden has been watching the dump truck bringing in loads of dirt and the bulldozer leveling it off (and subsequently telling us all about it...every time). Thursday the weather was fantastic with very little wind so the boys spent some time playing catch in the yard.

This expression about sums up Shelby's week. She had a cough, not been sleeping well...just hasn't been her usual self. However, her lack of sleep (and, as a result, MY lack of sleep) did prompt me to boost the local economy and buy a latte at the kite store down the street.

What I learned from writing this message in the sand is that the number 8 is very difficult to write using a sand shovel.

It was a beautiful, sunny day so we spent the late afternoon playing at the beach. Camden tried to push apart two pilings but gave up, exclaiming "it's too hard!". Humph...Quitter.

Shelby decided to forgo an afternoon nap in her cozy, warm bed (decided to scream instead) so we packed her up and apparently she preferred to be lulled to sleep by the buffeting of ocean winds in her face. Actually, as I write this both kids are snoring away in the other room. Here's hoping for a better night of sleep for everyone.
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