On Saturday, we visited Remlinger Farms with Mark, Arin and Maggie. They have a park with lots of fun things for little people to do, kettle corn, a steam train, and a fresh produce market with wonderful pies to take home. Here are a few highlights from our trip. Camden LOVED this slide...we were amazed he went by himself and headfirst.

Uncle Mark took Camden and Maggie on the spinning log ride.

I got to ride on the antique car with Camden this year. He was very focused, turning the steering wheel just as if he were driving the car. He'll be an excellent driver twelve years from now.

Camden and Shelby posed in a tractor.

Maggie enjoyed the steam train ride.

Shelby watched from her stroller most of the day, careful to keep an eye on Camden and Maggie.

Next year Shelby will be standing here on her own!

Camden is getting pretty tall. Too bad the shadows were in the way...

Camden loved the tractors.

A very decent family photo. Might be on the Christmas cards!

Camden and daddy picked out a pumpkin to carve so we did that this evening. He instructed me on what shapes he wanted the eyes and nose, and we had to carve in a tongue to get rid of a rotton spot on the bottom. He had fun and stuck with the process for the whole carving time.
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