Here's an update on the last week or so. It is hard to find time to post very often now that school is back in session. Anyway, Matt got this wonderful picture last week of the kids - look at those eyes! Can you tell they are related?

Last week we visited the YMCA for a story night. Camden got to wear his Buzz Lightyear costume and we made a pumpkin (he even cut it out all by himself). He got to rummage through some straw for candy - all the other kids came out with armloads. Camden returned with one red lollipop, that was enough for him.

Shelby sort of showed off her two bottom teeth.

Today Camden's preschool visited a pumpkin patch. Matt got to go with them and enjoyed taking a few pictures of the fun.

This last weekend we enjoyed a pasta dinner from Pizza Hut with Grandma Cochran and Grandma and Grandpa Lee. Shelby enjoyed it too, as evidenced by her face, clothes, bib, high chair, floor....

And, finally, here are the kids playing. Shelby really loves playing with Camden and especially loves grabbing his hair and clothes. Camden is making up games to play with her and loves making her laugh.
What adorable kids! Almost makes me want to have another to make a pair..... almost.
Very fun! Too bad we didn't take any pictures on Tuesday!
Trevor's highchair looked like that tonight after spaghetti. I still can't get the stain out of it!
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