Friday, March 20, 2009

I'm Gonna Crawl With Those Pancakes On

Here's just a few recent pictures. Not a whole lot of excitement around here lately, but here you go:

Shelby was helping do the dishes...
We got enough snow a few weeks back to make a freaky looking snowman. I would have gone with pebbles for a mouth, but I was at work so....

It was quickly destroyed anyway...
We visited Matt at work one afternoon for lunch. Shelby enjoyed the mobility of scooching on the beautiful hardwood floors.
This is the face Camden was practicing for his picture day at school. I'm pretty sure the actual picture day photo wasn't much better - if you know Camden you know that he's got his own idea of how to do things.

And, finally, a very fun video of the kids playing together and actual footage of Shelby CRAWLING. Yes, you heard it here first...she finally figured it out.